Brooke sat by Lauren's side throughout the delivery. When everything was said and done, Lauren brought home a baby boy, Parker, named in honor of her ancestors. Parker would have his mother's last name and, Lauren swore, he'd never know his good for nothing lying father.
Work was terrible once Lauren returned. Of course everyone in every department knew she was dating the bank robber. Everyone, even Lauren, thought Derik, Leland, had known who she was. Lauren felt used. She'd never forgive him.
Life at home was just as hectic. Eventhough Brooke was able to stay home with the babies, it hardly made Lauren's life any easier. With the arresting of Leland, there was more paperwork than ever.
Parker made it worth it. At the end of each day.
Work was terrible once Lauren returned. Of course everyone in every department knew she was dating the bank robber. Everyone, even Lauren, thought Derik, Leland, had known who she was. Lauren felt used. She'd never forgive him.

Life at home was just as hectic. Eventhough Brooke was able to stay home with the babies, it hardly made Lauren's life any easier. With the arresting of Leland, there was more paperwork than ever.
Parker made it worth it. At the end of each day.