Haleigh wasn't sure exactly how she would break it to Dean. After all, even if they had reached the "friends with benefits" status, neither was ready for a child. It was true that Dean had received a few generous promotions but this was hardly the environment Haleigh wanted to raise a child in.
She looked her body up and down in the mirror, expecting the worst yet hoping for the best.
Haleigh heard the front door click open, "Hey Haleigh, guess what came in the mail!" Dean said, running into her room. He trust a envelope into her hands, "Open it! Open it!" Dean chanted, with Christmas excitement in his eyes.
Haleigh slowly opened the envelope and unfolded a check for 500 Simoleons. "It's from your art work!"
Haleigh beamed. It wasn't much. But it was a start. And they would definitely need it.

Dean returned home on night to find Haleigh cooking his favorite meal, pancakes, for dinner. After a quick kiss, Dean made his way to the compute to work on a story for his next deadline.
"Dean. Dean," Haleigh called behind him. Dean turned to see the table set for two.
"Sorry love, I have a lot on my mind," Dean said, standing to push in the computer chair.
A lump welled in Haleigh's throat. Maybe tonight wouldn't be a good night.

Haleigh couldn't explain why, but she knew it was time. Everything just felt right.
"Dean," Haleigh said as he raised the fork to his mouth, "I'm pregnant."
It was uncomfortably quiet until Dean's fork free fell to his plate.
"Preg. Preg. Pregnant?" Dean stuttered out.
Haleigh looked at him weakly. Almost afraid of his reaction.
Tears welled behind Dean's eyes. It was unexpected news. But they would manage. After all, they had made it through worse.
It was Dean that made the next move. He quickly jumped from his seat and lifted Haleigh in the air.
"I love you Haleigh," was all Dean could manage to say.
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