Deep down, Lexi would rather be hiding upstairs, but she knew her mother wanted her to be happy.

And so happy she would be. Drink after drink after drink.
Lexi cornered her self in the living room to play a drunken chorus from her new hit. While strumming something that sounded like the familiar chorus, Mason yelled from the dining room. "LEXI!" his voice boomed over the stereo and Lexi's playing, "COME QUICK!" Lexi dropped her guitar, cringing as it hit the floor.

Lexi entered the dinning room to find her guests surrounding her mother, who was smiling happily and slightly transparent. "Mom!" Lexi cried, running to her side. But she was too late to save her.

Lexi's family held her as her guest trickled out the door. "Call me if you need anything at all," Ty said, hugging Lexi close.
The door closed

Lexi found herself locked in her room with Gallen. She wasn't sure who he was, or why he was here. All Lexi knew was they were both here, her mother just died in front of her, and there was a bottle of vodka running through her body. Also she currently had a sexy guy pinned underneath her.

She'd been up upset and hurt for too long. She'd just lost her father days earlier, now she had lost her mother. Refusing to hold back, Lexi pushed him deeper into the mattress.
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