This was her favorite spot, tucked in the dusty library, in front of the easel. Madison slid her paintbrush across the canvas carefully.
“What are you doing in here!” Lexi’s enraged voice boomed behind her, “get out! OUT!”
Madison looked up from the easel and dropped her paint brush, splattering blue paint on the floor.
Lexi’s once sophisticated look library was purple. “MADISON!” She yelled throughout the house. Lexi stopped and looked around the room. The art was amazing.
“Madison?” Lexi said, slipping open her daughter’s door.
“Go away,” Madison whispered.
“Have I told you why the library is closed off?”
Madison shook her head, wiping a tear from her eye.
“My brother loved that room, well mainly the easel. Back then, it was on the balcony. It was his favorite way to spend time. Then he hit this rough spot with our father. When he ran off, I was scared. Just like I was when you ran off.”
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