Friday, December 31, 2010

5.15 Never ending

As much as she wanted someone to fill Dequan's place she knew it wasn't possible. Ricky knew this, but he was determined to try. He rehearsed his speech, pulled out his best clothes, even washed twice behind his ears. He knocked promptly on the door Friday night at the same time he had every Friday night since Keira was born.

But instead of heading straight for the kid's den, Ricky headed straight for Madison outside. Madison was where she usually was, staring intently at her painting. Ricky watched for a few moments, watching each brush stroke become something more. "Oh," she gasped, realizing someone was behind her. "It's just me," Ricky said softly into the night air. Moments passed between them as they gazed across the distance in each other's eyes. "No," Madison answered the unspoken question between them.

It was now or never, Ricky thought. He closed the space between them quickly, taking her into his arms. "I'm not trying to replace him Madison." Madison broke free of his grasp and stormed towards the house. He quickly caught her and pulled her back in. "Madison, your never going to fill the void if you don't allow yourself too." Madison cracked and began sobbing uncontrollably.

He remembered holding her once before as she cried her heart out. It was the most trying time of her own life, but the best part of his. But this time Ricky hoped it would play out differently. That instead of a one night fling, she'd finally see the potential they could have. Madison pulled away and kissed him again, just as passionately as she had all those years before. He felt doomed to a mobius romance, a never ending cycle of lust and hate. "I've warned you," she said between kisses, "but you're so damn persistant." Ricky could only smile as he looked into her eyes. Maybe she'd come around. "What does that mean?" Ricky asked, he'd rather hear her say it than to be lead on by criptic Madison messages.

"Maybe I can try to not break your heart," deep down Madison knew that she could promise that. And possibly keep that promise.

((Madison fulfilled... Girlfriend of 10 Sims. I put myself on a time crunch when Gavin was named heir. Since I lost A LOT of time while raising 3 kids as a single parent. I. will. never. do. that. again. OMG! So time to wrap it up and move on. Gen 5 complete! ))

((Madison, gen 5, goals complete! Just in time.))

5.14 Same old games

Shortly after moving, Madison had to change the beautiful nursey into a functional bedroom for Keira.

With all of her children in school, Madison devoted much of her time to her paintings. Since the new house didn't have enough space for a library, Madison moved her painting gear outside. She spent most of her time in her own backyard, painting the landscapes and other ideas.

But painting never lasted long because soon Madison was back on the prowl. She knew she could never find someone to take Dequan's place, but she longed for some sort of companion. For Madison, it would never esclate to anything serious. Maybe a few playdates and a broken heart or two.

((Madison has FINALLY broken the hearts of 10 people. I was kind of upset.. because I really didn't want her to break Ricky's heart. After all, her lifetime want was to be the GIRLFRIEND of 10 sims... not break 1o hearts (even if it is called heartbreaker...) but Ricky's going to handle the break up in his own little way...

5.13 New home

Madison quickly filled the family van with all of their belongings. She felt the house her grandmother built was too large, and she was rather tired of multiple trips up and down the stairs.

After loading the van for Ricky, Madison and the kids waited outside their beautiful old home for Riley to get there with her car.

They piled inside and drove across town, where Madison had purchased a four bedroom, one story house. Madison's only complaint was they had too much stuff.

Gavin was excited to be the first person to age up in the house, and he knew excatly what to wish for.

((I know I'm going to regret this with Generation 6 (Married couple, four kids), but I kept having these horrible glitches from when I built the house. My sims would go down the stairs through solid ground then get stuck "in a room".. Not good ))

5.12 Weeds

The two tots kept Madison very busy, so when it came for Baby Keira to be born, Madison delivered at the house. Ricky was upset that he couldn't be present, but Madison assured him he could still come around.

He often hinted at a serious relationship but Madison didn't want to hurt him. Her heart belonged to Dequan, even after death. No one else compared.

Gavin was quickly growing, and it wasn't too much longer before Madison had to schedule time to take her baby boy to the big birthday cake.

Gavin took big brotherhood seriously. In order to help Madison, he would play or read with Meiling, allowing Madison to care for Keira and herself.

Soon baby Keira joined her sister as a toddler, and it was time to teach her a few skills. Keira, being the youngest, always looked up to Meiling and wanted to do everything Meiling did. Because of this, Keira learned walking and talking quickly.

Keira was upset on Meiling's birthday because this meant that there was more things Meiling could do that she couldn't.

Even though two of her children were now in school, Madison still couldn't return to painting. Keira required much more care than her other two children. Many days, after Gavin and Meiling would go to school, Madison would hold a sobbing Keira close, telling her it would be okay.

((At this point, I have fulfilled everything for this legacy except for fulfilling Madison's life want, to be the girlfriend of 10 different sims))

Thursday, December 30, 2010

5.11 Round Three

There wasn't time to sulk or throw pity parties. Madison was constantly running from one room to another to take care of the babies. Gavin was a growing toddler but that didn't mean he didn't require just as much attention as his new born sister.

Ricky was a great help in the beginning. He would sometimes amuse Gavin while Madison caught a nap or shower, or he would care for baby Meiling while Madison taught Gavin. However, Ricky spent more time gone than there. His job frequently took him to far off places. Places Madison couldn't wait to get back too.

Soon Madison had formed some sort of schedule with Gavin and Meiling. At least now she could shower and get half a nights rest. However, as Meiling's first birthday approached, Madison started feeling under the weather. Baby Norvak was on his or her way.

5.10 Really... Really?

Madison named the baby Meiling, a name Zhan repeated over and over again. Meiling was the final piece to Madison’s puzzle, and she finally felt complete. Her family was finally whole again.

Madison returned home to crash on the couch. She knew she would her rest because so far Meiling hadn’t slept through the night.

Everyone could tell that Madison was tired and left her on the couch. Ricky hung around to care for Gavin while Lexi cared for the newborn.

Madison slept for hours. Once Ty arrived home from his boy’s date, he convinced Ricky to move her to her own bed. It was a hard task, but Ricky carried her up the stairs.

Madison opened one eye to see Ricky beside her. The bed was familiar although she didn’t remember moving and she was still fully clothed. Madison couldn’t remember what woke her up until her heard Meiling crying in the other room. “Hey,” Ricky whispered looking at Madison.

“Hey,” she responded softly.

“Want me to get her?” Ricky questioned. Instead of answering, Madison shook her head and pushed the covers off her.

Madison pushed open Meiling’s door to find the ghost of her mother towering over the baby.

Madison shouted for Ricky as she raced through the family den, but before Ricky could get out of bed, Ty called from downstairs. His voice sounded scared and tense. Ricky stormed out of the bedroom to find an empty den but loud thumps falling down the stairs.

Ricky found Madison on the patio head in her hands. Ricky stared at Ty before realizing he was staring through Ty. He walked out onto the patio and watched the scene unfold.

It took a lot of effort to get Madison back inside. Ricky held her closely as she sobbed uncontrollably into his shoulder. Everything was happening so fast he couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

Ricky heard muffled sounds before realizing it was Madison calling out to him. He pulled her away to look into her tear filled eyes before she suddenly closed the gap, her lips on his. Although he had toyed with the idea for years, he wasn’t ready for the consequences.

((After impregnating her, I realized what a horrible idea having 3 babies with one parent would be. Needless to say, the next few weeks will be terrible. You'd think I learned my lesson with the twins but NO.))

5.9 Old Pains

Lexi understood Madison’s motives as soon as she started showing. Although she tried to hide her belly under large gowns, Lexi knew better.

Madison was devastated. Not only by her luck with men, which wasn’t very lucky, but with news of a new baby. Ricky helped soften the blow, but there was only so much he could do to help Madison.

Gavin was quickly growing, and he needed extra attention. Madison took time off from painting to take care of her son.

While teaching Gavin to walk, Madison felt the all too familiar pains. Gavin didn’t understand but Ty did, and Madison was quickly rushed to the hospital.

5.8 Cheating Heart

Now that Madison had reopened the library, Lexi spent much of her time in there. As a matter of fact, Lexi couldn’t figure out why she had closed it anyways. Lexi came here to cool off before everyone woke up. She was upset to see Madison bring another man home. Lexi knew Madison frolicked around town with various gentlemen; however, Lexi was stern when it came to bringing them home. It wasn’t like the first time when it was just Madison. Now she had a son, and he should be her priority not getting laid.

But Madison hadn’t revealed the real reason she wanted Zhan with her.

Madison woke up alone in her bed; she could hear Gavin in the distance, cooing excitedly. Her heart swelled with love as she stumbled groggily into the hall way. She swiped a hand across her sleepy eyes. Across the family den, Madison saw Lexi and Zhan in the library. Zhan leaned into Lexi kissing her slowly. Madison stopped, staring straight ahead.

Lexi’s thoughts were cut short by Zhan’s sudden presence in the library. Instantaneously, Gavin let out a sharp cry, letting the house know he was awake. Since Madison was still asleep, Lexi figured she would use this time to bond with the boy. She quickly pushed herself out of the chair, trying to avoid contract with Zhan. However, her efforts failed as Zhan stopped in front of her to talk. Lexi listened half heartedly, nodding occasionally to fake interest. The conversation had taken a sour turn, and Lexi was about to excuse herself when Zhan pulled her close and forced his lips to hers. She pushed him away quickly disgusted, but she wouldn’t have to tell her daughter because Madison saw it all.

Zhan wouldn’t find out why Madison wanted him to come home with her because as soon as she had him cornered downstairs, their relationship was abruptly cut short.

5.7 New Opportunities

With half a day’s traveling behind her, Madison found the shop easily enough. She was greeted by an attendant with the customary introduction, a slight bow. The attendant, Zhan, showed her to her room, a small closet above the shop. Inside there was an easel, small bed, and a few random wall arts. This was home for now.

The small room was pretty drab. Not a good place for her to work. Instead, Madison preferred to take her easel outside to work. Most of the time, Madison painted intently. Sometimes she would stop and watch the families walk by. She would become homesick, missing Gavin. But neither would last long because Zhan spent as much time inside as he did outside.

As the sun set, Madison would pull her easel inside and help Zhan close up the shop. Once the doors were closed and the merchandise wiped clean, the two spent time together.

When it came time for Madison to leave, Zhan bought a second ticket to accompany her home.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

5.6 Reasons

Gavin gave Madison a new reason to live. In no time Madison was back to normal. Instead of picking up a job, Madison chose to be a stay at home mom and live off painting royalties. Most of Madison’s clients were referred by word of mouth, so many were small jobs commissioned by local companies or patrons. The jobs didn’t bring in much money but each little bit helped.

Madison’s big break came on Lexi and Ty’s return from Shang Simla. While overseas, the two encountered an art show. After much schmoozing and talks, Ty was able to persuade the local merchant to showcase some of Madison’s works in his market.

It took even more persuading to get Madison to accept the job since accepting the job meant she’d have to leave Gavin behind.

On the eve of her vacation, Madison spent the night holding and rocking Gavin. It was one of the hardest things she’d ever had to do, but deep down she knew it was the best for Gavin. A job of this scale was sure to bring more, and better, opportunities.

5.5 New Life

Madison lacked the will, or want, to live. For days, she wandered the house lifeless, spending most of the day staring at a blank canvas. Lexi was worried sick over Madison and the baby. After many words of encouragement, Ty coaxed her downstairs. With Madison finally out of her new routine, Lexi went to town to find a few outfits for the new baby.

Ty made sure everything was set for Madison before leaving her unattended in the living room while he cooked the three of them dinner. Ty jumped as the fire alarm wailed through out the house. He looked around the empty, smokeless kitchen before realizing Madison was no longer on the couch. From his position in the kitchen he could clearly see the second fireplace empty. With both potential fire areas clear, there was one place she could be. The deck.

He raced to the sliding to the sliding door where Madison was half engulfed in flames from the grill. Ty grabbed her, pulling a hysterical Madison from the flaming grill. "Leave me!" She shouted tears streaming down her face. Ty held her close in a bear hug until the firemen arrived and extinguished the flames.

Lexi arrived home as the fire truck pulled away. Her heart full of fear. Instead of finding anyone dead or injured, she found her daughter in labor up stairs and her shaky husband panicking. Lexi quickly rushed her daughter to the car and to the hospital.

Gavin was born shortly after getting to the hospital. Even though his mother had taken in a lot of smoke, he was a healthy baby boy with many of his father's characteristics, except for his strange purple eyes.