Gavin loved his job. The best part about being a professional author was making your own hours. Which was convenient for being home with your expecting wife and two toddler sons. The boys were quickly growing and soon the house fell back into a predicable chaos. With all three adults working with the boys, no one had sleepless nights.

Angel was expecting again, but this time the pregnancy was rough. It was taking a huge toll on her body. Gavin tried to take on as much of the child raising as possible but he knew he couldn't do it all. The doctor constantly warned her to stay in bed, especially so close to her due date, but Angel hardly listened.

Gavin warned her to take it easy, a warning that fell on deaf ears. Gage's birthday was approaching, and Angel was well prepared to throw him an epic party. After booking the caterer and mailing the invites, Angel was prepared to work with Ethan in hopes that he could walk at his brother's party.

Gavin was startled by her shouting from the playroom. He looked up from the computer screen to peer around the corner. He could see Angel ahead of him holding her stomach, screaming in pain. Her plan almost would have work except by over exerting herself she pushed herself into early labor.

He stood outside the hospital scared. He'd never been scared in his life. Not where Angel was involved. But now, after hearing her screams, what would he do if she didn't make it. Even though the night was warm, he felt cold. He couldn't do this on his on. He needed her. He wanted her. And not just for the kids sake but for his also. The pager the nurse had given him before he left sounded and he rushed to be by his love's side. They'd make it through this together.

Somehow they made it through the night, Gage's birthday. They made it through the night with three little healthy boys to take home.

((Yes... I was cursed with not only triplets.. BUT ALL BOYS. Oh well. I did the number heir
thing, so Noah is heir. I exceeded my four kids, but they were unplanned triplets so it doesn't count. It helps me for her LTW though, which I
so had a better story for (infidelity anyone?) but I assume this works. Also.. yes the numbering is off.. no nothing is missed.. I combined two because they pretty much just copied each other. ))