After scoring his highest promotion at work, Ethan was more than ready to move on. He had his sights set on becoming a creature-robot cross breeder. He knew that all the hours he had used searching the skies would pay off.

So just like Gage, Ethan eventually had a birthday and left the house.

Noah was upset. Why did his family keep leaving him? He wasn't ready for it. It seemed everything he loved was always leaving him. First with his grandmother's death, then his oldest brother. Why was life so depressing?

It was this prejudice that led Noah to build high walls around himself. Of course he was close to his family, but no one else could enter his fortress. He had "friends;" however, he kept them all at a distance. He was a loner. Someone destined to walk the halls alone.

At least until Shauna transferred into the school.

Shauna was the first person that Noah decided to trust outside his family. It was a relief to see him taking interest in anyone.

However, Noah and Shauna had a fast whirl wind romance that sputtered out as quickly as it began. It wasn't violent. There were no ill feelings. Shauna was older.. and she wanted an older, more mature man.

Noah hardly had anytime to grieve because soon it was time to grow up. At least this time, there wasn't a fire involved.

It wouldn't be just the twins that grew up. Angel and Gavin joined them.

((So Generation 6 is now complete. Everything is currently met.))
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