As a present to his sons, Gavin through a large birthday party, largely composed of single women. His hope was that his sons would find a future spouse.

Anthony hit if off very quickly with Randi. As a matter of fact, the two couldn't keep their hands off each other throughout the party. They disappeared about half way through, but everyone knew where they were.

Jacob had a harder time. He seemed to be really drawn to Leah Jasperson, but she didn't return the feelings. He fell in love again, this time with Christal Simon. Oh to be young again, Gavin thought, to fall in love twice at one party!

Noah was lurking around with a girl Gavin had never seen before, let alone invited. He later learned her name was Anastasia. Gavin wasn't thrilled about her. She gave him the creeps.

After the party it didn't take long to marry off two of his sons. After offering them both houses, they moved off to start their own life.

Gavin was pleased to know Anthony had already started on his. Outside marriage of course.
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