Even through the current tough time, Noah still pushed the girls to be the best. Although he was rough on them, he took time out to let them be kids.

Brooke became close to Joni. The two girls could be found everywhere together. Anastasia was upset though. Even though Noah didn't know the truth about the
skin condition, Anastasia did. She had already lost her older children to vampirism. She didn't want her youngest daughters mixed up in it also.

Addison became friends with a boy named Dean. He was also a regular at the house.

Gavin also enjoyed distracting the girls from their work for his favorite pasttime, video games. The competition was good and taught the girls life long skills not found in books, good sportsmanship and team work.

The girls were soon ready for their next birthday, and Gavin was relieved to see yet another birthday party.
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