Noah began to wonder if his daughter even lived with him any more. She had spent so much time away from home that he was beginning to worry. Anastasia reminded him that she was grown and she could take care of herself.

When Brooke was not at her sister's house, she was commonly found at Jodi's. Jodi inherited her mom's beach side chalet. Brooke remembered playing there when she was a child. It was a nice escape. A nice escape from whiny clients and her new obsession, Wilson. Jodi thought a girls only sleep over was just what the doctor ordered.

But something about tonight wasn't right. Jodi was acting... well odd. Brooke watched as her friend rummaged through the kitchen muttering about plasma fruit. Whatever kind of fruit that was, it sure didn't sound very tasty.

Jodi cornered Brooke in the dinning room, "Brooke, I love you, but I need you to leave. I'm worried, I mean, I'm not feeling well. Please leave," Jodi begged. "We can catch dinner tomorrow night. I just need you to leave. Now."
Brooke walked out of the house stunned. She wasn't sure where to go now. She couldn't go to Addison's, they were already asleep. She could go home, but she wasn't ready yet. She was too upset over her friends behavior.
Instead of going home, Brooke took a detour to the park. It was late, so no one should be there. It would give her time to think. Time to think about Jodi's behavior, Baby Lauren and Shante, and most of all those nagging feelings she had for Wilson.

She found herself sitting on a left over blanket in the park. The night was peaceful and the sky was clear. "Ever wonder how many stars there are?" Brooke jumped as her thoughts were suddenly spoken aloud by someone else. "Wilson," she whispered harshly, "what are you doing here?"

Wilson laughed at her, "I should ask you the same thing. I see you haven't grown out of that sneaking out phase." Brooke laughed and patted the ground beside her, "At least now I don't have a curfew." She smiled at him as he sat down.
"So what's up," he asked, "I haven't seen you in a few days. Your father said the same thing when I spoke with him. If I wasn't a cop I might worry."

It was Brooke's turn to laugh. It was kind of cute that he would worry. She had gone off the radar. She began to recap the past few days from the birth of her niece to her best friend's strange behavior. "Your best friend is a registered vampire," Wilson said as calm as can be.

Brooke laughed, "Vampires don't exist silly." Wilson looked at her with concern, "She probably needed to feed. There's been a shortage of plasma fruit. Something about an extended cold front where its grown. If I were you I'd be happy she told you to leave."

Brooke narrowed her eyes at him."My best friend is not a vampire," she yelled. Wilson's eyes widened, "Shhh, seriously Brooke. They don't like us talking about it. If the police department didn't require them to register then I wouldn't know." Brooke looked hard at her friend, "this is ludicrous. You know that right?" She stopped and stared at him for a second before tearing her eyes away. "I'm leaving."

"Brooke," Wilson called after her, "let me drive you." Brooke continued walking, ignoring his pleas. "Brooke," he yelled again but this time, his voice was strained, "Brooke!"

Brooke looked up to see she was facing three strangers. They were glaring at her, and even though she couldn't read their minds she knew they meant her harm. She turned to run, to get back to Wilson. At least he was armed. But before she could get the thought finished one of the gang was standing in front of her. "Where are you going?" A female called.
"He can't help you. His tools are useless," a second said. She recognized him as Nellie's son, Javis. He had always creeped her out. Brooke turned to get away, only to realize she was surrounded and she could no longer see Wilson.

"Wilson," she screamed as the gang laughed. She could feel her head aching, splitting open. She could feel herself falling. She heard their high pitched shrills she assumed were supposed to be laughs. She felt her body slam into the ground, she assumed she fell on the ground. Nothing was clear anymore. She could see Jodi running and Nellie's husband, Ricky, hissing. She just knew she'd die tonight. She just knew she'd die by her best friend's hand.

And then she was running.
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