Her quick promotion only helped enforce her healthy running habit. She used this time after work to de-stress before returning home. Each day she would run the two mile track around Central Park before jumping in her car and heading home. She grew accustom to the track and hardly paid attention. Regardless how unsafe she knew that was.
Running calmed Lauren. Each foot on the path was one more step from her problems. One, two, three, she counted each foot step. It wasn't until she ran into a solid surface that she realized she wasn't paying attention. Then she realized it was a person. He was quick to apologize and even quicker to introduce himself. Derik.
Day after day Lauren ran into Derik running in the park. He always played it off as a coincidence, but Lauren wasn't naïve, she knew better. But she indulged him anyway.
As love blossomed, Derik's "coincidences" happened less. Instead of meeting her while running, Derik waited outside her office.
Their daily encounters led to a string of rendezvous. They spent their first date staring at the stars.

Brooke watched from a distance as Lauren put a man first and her job second. Brooke beamed at her step daughter’s growth. She knew Wilson would be happy. Thinking of Wilson brought a soft spot in Brooke’s heart. Brooke touched her growing belly, conceived without a living man’s touch, and knew Wilson would get his wish. They’d have their own child.
Work as a Wiretap Reader was boring compared to her life with Derik. The two were inseparable outside work. Lauren began to believe it was time to take their relationship to the next level. She invited him home.