Even after writing six apologize and toting each object around town, Taylor wasn't ready to move on to a crime free life. She liked the thrill that came with walking the fine line between moral and immoral. She knew she had to cover her tracks better. Keeping little treasures would tip her dad off; however, he's never catch her if she stuck to a life of cyber crime.

Her first target was the Sunset Valley Police Database. Once inside, she would be the ultimate criminal. She would always be ahead of the cops. She'd know their every move. Each day she got closer.

Her first block broken was the criminal files. Here she could create her own strategy guide based on the woes of other criminals. It was perfect. After scouring through many busted criminals, who were busted for petty mistakes, Taylor moved on to "cold case" criminals. These criminals were still running through town. Living among the citizens. She would one day too.

"Taylor, time to go!" Portland yelled from the living room. With a quick change into her cap and gown, Taylor was off to graduate. She knew she was smarter than the twins. Instead of the typical four years it would take the triplets to graduate, with the exception of Riley who it would take five, Taylor did it in two. She was a genius. That's all that mattered anyways.

Jeffry entered the house to find the family gone. He had been working for the Harder family since he graduated and never once had the house been completely empty. Riley told him it was because her father was paranoid. But Jeffry saw through her juvenile flirtation, Mrs. Harder was a stay at home artist. Jeffry made his way though the house making beds and cleaning dishes. He hardly had to clean the sinks any more. The middle child, Gabby, was OCD he was sure. She cleaned them six times a day. He'd seen her do it twice in his hour and half there.
Beep, Beep, Beep, Jeffry straightened up listening to the unfamiliar beeping. Jeffry looked around the room, it sounded like a... fire alarm? Jeffry bolted to the kitchen where the only source could be and sure enough the stove was a blaze. With quick reflexives Jeffry sprung into action, beating the blaze before the firemen arrived.

The family arrived home as the fire trucks were leaving. Liam surveyed the house and turned six shades of red. Well, as red as his dark complexion would let him.

Taylor was ready to live her dream of crime. However, she failed to account for how quickly her life would take off. Although she was ready to enter a life of crime, Carlton was ready for the stability of marriage.

After an unexplained dash to the restroom, Taylor was ready to deliever the biggest news of the day to them. She was pregnant.

In the hype of the day, Parker had forgotten it was his own birthday. He celebrated it alone on his way home from work.
So somehow Taylor grew up faster. And with a quick check of Riley, she is days younger than her other triplet counterparts.
Also, Taylor needs to decide on a hair style, and possibly not wear her pj's all the time..

I just happened to catch this. She had just found out she was pregnant and decided to stand in the laundry room. She looks possessed. It doesn't help that the room is red.
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