"Sorry," Brooke said slinging sand into the air, "Lauren got sick on me. I had to change." Wilson shook his head and took her arm, leading her down the ocean's edge. They continued walking sometimes in silence, other times talking. Wilson loved to hear her jabber about the twins. As sure as she was that she never wanted children, you'd never know when she was gushing about her nieces.

Once silence enveloped them again Wilson knew it was time. He stopped walking and knelt to the ground, using the "Oh I dropped something" technique. Brooke was used to his clumsy ways and didn't think anything about it. At least until he almost dropped the ring box.

"Wilson," she started as he cut her off with his well rehearsed speech about his longing for her to be his wife. Even though she was hesitant in the beginning of their relationship, those insecurities had long since faded away.
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