Parker wasn't sure how he got out of Derik's house. But the next thing Parker knew, his clothes were wet and his face hurt. Parker opened his eyes to reveal the ocean.

He knew he as hurting. He could only imagine the things he hadn't seen. Once home, Parker surveyed himself in the mirror. Nothing he wouldn't recover from.

Parker would have thought it was just a dream, until his phone rang Thursday morning. "I dropped a bag off by your back door. Change into the clothes." Parker wasn't going to fight this time. A driver will be there in five. You better be ready," Derik hung up before Parker could get a word in.

The driver showed up as promised in a beater. Parker jumped in the car. "Today, you are a decoy. Prove yourself useful and you'll live to see tomorrow." A chill ran down Parker's spine. He knew Derik wasn't joking.