He'd heard rumors his mom lived somewhere up in the Hills of the Valley. His car raced towards the Hills. He didn't know what he was looking for, but he was going.

Luck was on his side as he turned the corner to find Lauren outside with, as rumor had it, her boyfriend. Even though Parker didn't expect hugs from the woman who abandoned him, he was still upset to her showering her affections on another guy. Upon seeing Parker, Lauren walked into the house. If there was going to be a show, she didn't want the neighbors to see.

Her first thoughts were he looked just like his father. She wanted to pretend he wouldn't end up like his father, but she knew better. She couldn't bare to look at him, knowing what he had become. "I want to know everything," Parker demanded.
Parker saw her hesitation and shoved the box in her hands. "I want to know why my best friend's father has all this." Lauren looked at the collection of articles and pictures in the box. "He tore me apart Parker," was all she could say.

"You ruined my childhood," Parker retorted. It was selfish to think of how this man hurt her without considering the consequences it had for her son. Parker didn't have kids and he understood this. "Everything I've ever wanted left me. Thanks to you."

After years of avoiding the elephant between them Lauren realized her mistake. However, it was too late to change any of it. Lauren closed her eyes and recounted the story of how she fell in love with the wrong guy.
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