Parker was going to steal something. It was close to curfew but not close enough for the cops to start harassing him. Parker settled behind a tall flowery shrub, searching for a victim. Parker watched a group of girls leaving the theater. He recognized them from school and pinned them as being hairbrained. One girl split from the pack, her purse hanging in sight.
He followed her down an alley between the buildings. This was too easy. She was stupid. If he really wanted to be a predator, he could take advantage of this situation. But that wasn't him. A theif? Yes. A sexual predator? No that was disgusting. There was a fine line between the two. Parker closed in on the girl, and just as he went in for the snatch, she turned.

"What the fuck do you think your doing?" she cussed him, holding her purse closer to her body. Parker stopped, shocked. Busted twice in one night. This was a horrible sign. The girl had drawn a crowd. Parker could hear them approaching, asking questions. The girl continued screaming obsenties at him. Yeah this looks bad, Parker thought as he was restrained by two memenbers of the crowd.

It didn't take long before the police arrived. Now, he was out after curfew. "You know," the cop started, but Parker really didn't want to know what he should already know. He was too concerned with the shape of the female cops body. His teenage thoughts running rampant.
At least until he reached his grandmothers house and the cop bent down and slapped a tracking bracelet on his leg. Parker looked up confused, and although he had tried tracing their conversation back, there was always a road block somewhere around the cops upper torso region. "You're under house arrest," she said quickly turning and laughing at his misfortune.

His grandmother was waiting for him by the door. It was the same threats. Nothing Brooke could do would stop Parker. He was his own man, and he lived by his own rules. It didn't matter how many times he was brought home by Valley's finest. He'd never give in to her.
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