Portland postponed the wedding. Verbally she told everyone she didn't want to look fat in her dress. Portland knew the truth. Lauren's comment had affected her. "He'll only leave you sooner."

She tried to take her mind off it with various home improvement projects. Apparently when Parker moved in, decorating the whole house was optional. The bedroom for the baby had terribly outdated wall paper and carpet. Portland entered her first instint was paint it all blue, for she wanted a boy. But she knew Parker would kill her especially if they had a little girl.
While Portland fought her own internal battles, Parker was battling his own at work. Being a criminal was easy, getting alone with your partners in crime was another story. Especially when your evil cohert was the father who never wanted you. Although he could avoid his father at work easily, on the streets was a different story.

His father like to remind him of it daily. "Rumor on the street is you have a little family," Derik whispered in his ear, "don't let it get out. If you know what's good for them."

Parker returned home to find Portland crying over the stove. He rushed to her side to comfort her. "Don't touch me," she sobbed, pushing Parker away. Parker pushed her lightly on the counter and cupped her face, "Love, love, what is wrong?" Portland continued sobbing.
"Your mom came by," Portland sobbed. Parker immediately felt over protective like he never had before. "She. She" Portland contiuned sobbing, "She said you'd leave me sooner." Parker tried to comfort her, "Portland, shhh. I see." Derik's word echoed through his head, "Rumor has it you have a little family." Portland continued sobbing, "don't let it get out." Parker wrapped his arms around her. "Portland, I will never leave you. I will never leave our child."
Parker held her close, "Let me tell you about my life." It was one thing to trust Portland with his heart. But to trust her with his secrets would be a whole different level.
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