When he wasn't parenting, Parker took time to learn martial arts. He knew it would help him achieve that promotion faster.

His children were growing quickly. Parker had the wishes of all parents. To keep them as young as much as he could. It wasn't working and the family gathered around to watch Taylor grow up.

With Taylor, Parker aged. Even though he physically wasn't older, inside he felt the change.
Parker continued his life of crime. It was his biggest secret. Occasionally, it took him and his wife away from the house for the weekend. With a kiss for each child, Portland and Parker left for a trip that Parker hoped they'd come home from.
Oblivious to the danger their parents were in, Riley planned a rather large house party.

Riley's partner in crime was Ellen. Ellen had approached Riley earlier that day about a rumor of Riley's parents absence. Slightly higher on the teenage social food chain, Ellen was everything Riley aspired to be. She had beautiful features, the most popular friends, and she seemed to be a little bad ass. The party was mostly to impress her.
Ellen brought Lucas with her. Riley knew there was some connection between them; however, she knew it wasn't a family connection. Lucas had always bothered Riley. Something wasn't right about him. He was always quiet and moody. No where near as popular as Ellen.

Chad showed up too. Chad was Riley's secret crush. And just as Riley got a chance to talk with him, Sunset Valley's finest crashed the party.

The cops stayed long enough for Parker to get home. Lecturing Riley the whole time. Her party guests fled while Officer Court was tearing into Riley. But the officer's punishment was nothing compared to the talk she would get when Parker got home.
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