Nights at the hospital grew long and it was slowly wearing at Logan’s nerves. He enjoyed his job, but he couldn’t wait until he was promoted to Resident so he could leave the long hours behind him. The promotion did not take very long to achieve.
Being a resident was hard work. Way harder than Logan would have imagined. But each day he went to work and enjoyed his job.
Many nights, he would come home stressed out. MaKenzie would always greet him with a back rub and a warm plate from dinner. McKenzie loved her job. She was slowly but surely advancing through the lab rooms. From Useless Contraption Manipulator to Aquatic Ecosystem Tweaker, MaKenzie always loved her new position over the last.
Nights at the hospital slowly ate away at Logan. The worst part was the nights he was called into work, when he was absolutely not needed. Some nights, “they paged him on accident” other nights they did it “just because.” Logan knew why they did it. The doctor needed his private time with his new intern. The beautiful, and married Lola. It disgusted Logan. It wasn’t just the large age difference (after all the doctor was already practicing when the intern was born) between the two love birds, but also the fact that both came from loving, almost happy homes.
Tonight was like many of Logan’s nights off, after working hard all week, the weekends were spent spending time with his growing children and beautiful wife. The family sat at the ocean side. Lexi played tag with a few of the other children, while Mason made out with his current girlfriend when he thought no one was looking. It was rare that they took a time out to spend time with each other, but this was their weekly ritual.
Buzz. Buzz.
Logan slammed his head back onto the lounge chair. “Are you serious?” He questioned out loud to no one in particular. His beeper had become a nuisance; especially on his days off. He swung his feet off the lounge and stood up, fishing for his phone in his pocket.
“Logan, we have an emergency.” Without asking questions, because he knew he would not like the answer, Logan slammed the phone shut and shoved it into his pocket.
His eyes meet with MaKenzie’s. “I’m sorry. I have to go.”
MaKenzie watched the scene unfold on the evening news. A standoff at city. Couple of people dead. Many injured.
Logan paced the halls up and down the hospital. This time, it was serious. There was a need for hospital personnel. After hours of working, Logan wanted nothing more than a candy bar and a cold drink. He opened the door to the employee beakroom to find Dr. and Lola sandwiched in the gap between the wall and the refrigerator.
“I’m done with this!” Logan screamed. While everyone else was busy taking care of the injured, the doctor was diddleing with the interns. Logan threw his pager, hitting the refrigerator. He quicky spun around on his heels, without saying another word.