Wanting an experience as close to real parents as possible, they wanted babies.
During one of their visits, they fell in love with Mason, a three year old toddler with beautiful brown eyes. He also attached to MaKenzie. MaKenzie hated leaving him, but until the paperwork was finish, Mason had to stay at the orphanage.
Logan walked in the house from work late one night. He assumed by the emptiness of the living room that everyone was asleep. He was barely inside when his phone rang. “Hello, Logan? This is Alberto, from the orphanage.” Logan beamed; this had to be good news. “I have found you the perfect little girl, her name’s Alexis. She has a heartbreaking story. But as soon as I came across her file, I thought of you.” Logan was at a loss for words. “Mr. Parkes, are you still there?” The social worker called through the phone. “Yes, yes, I’m sure we’d be honored.”
With hasty goodbye’s Logan got off the phone with the social worker.
Logan stood with the phone till his ear until the familiar beeps sounded the line was dead.
“MaKenzie! MaKenzie!” Logan sounded running into the dark bedroom.
A car stopped in front of the house and MaKenzie knew this was it. Alberto got out of the car, carrying a smiling Mason. He looks so happy, MaKenzie thought. MaKenzie looked around before noticing, Alexis wasn’t with him. “Where’s Alexis?” MaKenzie asked, taking Mason into her arms. “Slight paperwork mix up, I’ll bring her by tomorrow. Pinky Promise.” MaKenzie grinned, it had been forever since she pinky promised anything.
True to his word, Alberto showed up with Alexis the next day.
((Note usually on chapter 13 my kids are teenagers and here I am just getting started. Needless to say the only thing I have done so far challenge wise is a couple and their jobs. ))
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