Glancing at the clock, Jace knew it was too late to find a real job. Truth was, he didn't know what he wanted in a new job.
Jace picked his himself up out of bed and continued with his daily routine. After dressing, there was a pit stop by the fridge for orange juice, straight from the carton. Then straight to the television, where he would watch cartoons until Isaiah was out of school.
Jace plopped down on the sofa next to

"Mom, have you seen this?" Jace said, holding the paper up.
"No hon. What is it?" She said sitting her guitar down and taking the paper in her hands. "That's not good. Good thing your father started that garden in the yard."
Jace hardly considered an apple tree and a tomato plant a garden. But it would definitely have to work he thought as he started cleaning out the refrigerator.
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