“MaKenzie!” a voice rang from the crowd, “I was wondering when you’d show!” Gerard leaned in to greet MaKenzie with a kiss on each cheek. “And this must be your cousin you were telling me about!” He said, greeting Heidi with the same gesture. “Let me get us drinks,” he said disappearing off into the crowd.
MaKenzie stood there alone and nervous. But before she could focus on her own anxiousness, Gerard returned. “You look nervous, want to go somewhere quiet?” MaKenzie, too scared to talk, nodded her head. Gerard led her up a flight a stairs she had not noticed at first. She followed him without question into an almost empty room with a fire place.
Alone in the room, Gerard stepped close to her and put his hands on her face. He leaned in and for the first time that night his lips met hers. MaKenzie felt her heart racing in her chest and reached up to tangle her fingers in his hair. He kissed her passionately, pushing her up against the bed post.
MaKenzie looked from Gerard to Heidi, family first, she thought. “I have to go,” she sighed, pulling away from Gerard.
“What happened?” MaKenzie said as the girls approached Heidi's untidy room. Heidi's entered her room, “I really don’t want to talk about it,” She said shutting the door in MaKenzie’s face.
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