MaKenzie and Lexi jumped from the couch as Mason stormed into the house and up the stairs. "Mason!" MaKenzie shouted running into the foyer. Logan walked into the house, dragging his feet. "Don't," he said, putting his hand on MaKenzie's shoulder. MaKenzie looked between her husband and the top of the stairs where Mason disappeared.
"What happened," she whispered, turning into Logan. "I had to tell him. He wouldn't come back without it." MaKenzie turned away from him and walked into the kitchen.

MaKenzie sipped on her coffee, watching the clock hands tick. She couldn't sleep, even before drinking half a cup of coffee. The night's events had shook her world and all the walls she built in order to have a "normal" family came crashing down. MaKenzie longed for her father.
MaKenzie was taking a sip of her coffee when Logan entered the kitchen behind her, "You're still up?" "Mmhmm," MaKenzie mumbled in response. As MaKenzie set her cup on the counter, a soft thud was heard coming down the stairs. Mason appeared in the door way, glaring at his parents.

"MaKenzie, Logan," his words were unfamiliar to MaKenzie, this was her son, addressing her by her first name. "I'm leaving. You're not stopping me."
Logan was the first to interfere, "you are not going anywhere but up to your room." Logan's voice was calm but firm.
"Why do you care," Mason shouted, closing the space between him and Logan, "you aren't even my real father!"
MaKenzie felt helpless, shocked that her son could be so harsh.
"Get. Upstairs. To. Your. Room." Logan argued, his voice slightly higher in pitch, enunciating each word.

"I'm leaving! NOT THAT YOU CARE," Mason yelled, swooping to grab his bag from his feet and running towards the back door.
Logan was caught off guard. First his son was talking nonsense, second he was yelling at him, and lastly, he was running. Logan hesitated before realizing that Mason was running. Logan chased after him, but Mason had a decent head start.

MaKenzie stood, transfixed, in the kitchen. Logan returned to find MaKenzie in the same place he had left her. Their eyes met for a moment. Logan could feel the frustration building inside him. "ARG," Logan yelled as his hand smashed into the coffee cup, shattering the ceramic on the refrigerator, warm coffee dripping to the floor.
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