"This has to stop," he said after a short, unusual silence. "We can head back to the car," Lexi said, motioning toward her new Kompensator, currently sitting on the hill above them. "No, you don't understand." Lexi looked into his eyes hurt, "What, what are you trying to say?" Inside Lexi was slowly piecing together the puzzle.

"Lexi, I'm married. I've been married for years."
Lexi shook her head, tears forming in her eyes. Oh the things she wanted to say to him! Thoughts formed in her mind. She knew better than to say them. He was still her boss and if she wanted anything to be semi normal, it would be best if she just kept her mouth closed. She knew that if she spoke, she'd lose control and all those thoughts and tears would come rushing out. She turned away from him, determined that he wouldn't see her cry.
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