Lexi laughed before grabbing her stomach. "Well, other than pregnant, I'm good."
"Lexi! Come on! I'm ready," Ti-Ning called from his position across the street. Lexi looked at Layla and shrugged, "Well it was nice to see you again. Sorry I can't stay and talk." Lexi hugged her distant friend and ran across the street.

Days later, Lexi exited the school bus and stopped at the mail box. Reaching inside, she pulled out a stack of junk mail. She carried the mail inside, sorting through it as she walked. It wasn't all junk mail. She found a couple of bills inside, after sorting though it, she found one envelope addressed to her. She fingered the envelope carefully. There was not a return address but the postal stamp was local. Lexi opened the envelope and a photo fell out into her hands. It was Mason and Layla, wrapped in an embrace, at a wedding on the beach.
Sorry I acted

I hope to see you soon.
Mason's scribbly signature donned the bottom of the page. Lexi held it close and smiled inside.
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