Being a band manager was hard work. Lexi was constantly booking gigs and venues, reviewing contracts, and keeping the media and paparazzi at bay. What little free time she did have, Lexi spent in the recording booth, working on her own demo. Most of this was made possible by Weston Alto.
Although it was rumored he didn't need the money, after all coming from the Alto family had to guarantee some money, Weston was the drummer for the band. These rumors never affected his drumming.

Lexi would have the band over for mandatory band meetings. These meetings usually took place when the band had to make decisions or formulate creative ideas. These meetings also usually ended up in a informal, impromptu music session, usually with Lexi playing along with her guitar.
The meetings usually ended with MaKenzie running everyone out of the house.
Between the mandatory band meetings and

the private recording sessions, Weston and Lexi became close. One would think that Lexi learned her lesson the first time she tried the boss/employee relationship.
Weston would often stay later than the rest of the band. It wasn't long before Lexi found herself tucked in bed with him.
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